The Road to Ramping Up More Truck Drivers

Josh McGillCitrus Expo

Alix Miller, president and CEO of the Florida Trucking Association, told attendees of the recent Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo that there is a shortage of about 80,000 truck drivers in the United States. Supply-chain disruptions and clogged ports spurred by COVID-19 made logistical challenges more apparent to the public, but Miller said this problem was brewing well before the …

Sneak Peek: September 2022 Citrus Industry

Josh McGillCitrus Expo, CUPS, Sneak Peek

The September issue of Citrus Industry magazine centers on two topics: citrus under protective screen (CUPS) research and a wrap-up from the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo. Three articles cover the latest CUPS findings from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. An article by Arnold Schumann and his colleagues includes a summary of seven seasons of …

Combined Treatment Reduced Drop and Increased Size

Josh McGillFruit Drop, HLB Management, Production

A combination of gibberellic acid (GA) and 2,4-D reduced preharvest fruit drop by 18% and improved fruit size but produced no statistical effect on yield, researcher Tripti Vashisth reported Aug. 30. The combination “seems promising,” the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) horticulturist stated. The report was based on first year results from a trial of …

Packinghouse Day Featured Updates and Award

Josh McGillAwards, Events, Fresh

Over 60 citrus industry representatives gathered Aug. 25 for the 61st annual Packinghouse Day at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. They heard updates on H-2A visa options for packinghouse workforce needs, an overview of citrus fruit export requirements and an update on food safety auditing. Faculty …

How to Get Certified for Paraquat Dichloride Use

Josh McGillPesticides, Regulation, Tip of the Week

By Ajia Paolillo and Lourdes Pérez Cordero If you use herbicides containing paraquat dichloride in your citrus groves, it is important that you are aware of the use certification requirements for this product. In 2016, certification and training for the use of this pesticide were put into place in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) risk mitigation requirements. Any …

Nurseries Approved for Expedited Propagation Program

Josh McGillFlorida Citrus Commission, Florida Department of Citrus, nurseries

The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) on Aug. 24 approved agreements with 25 nurseries for the Program for Expedited Propagation of HLB Tolerant and Resistant Trees. The nurseries are: Agromillora Florida Inc. Ben Hill Griffin Inc. Blue Heron Nurseries LLC Brewer Citrus LLC Brite Leaf Citrus Nursery LLC Citrific Holdings Inc. CitriSun Nurseries LLC Cutrale Farms Inc. Dilley Citrus Nursery Inc. …

PIECES OF THE PAST: Of Men and Measures

Josh McGillPieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette I recently came across a paper by P.H. Rolfs in the 1935 Florida State Horticultural Society’s Annual Proceedings. It gave credit to J.A. Stevens for the first Florida Citrus Seminar in 1910 or 1911. It was held in “the old dormitory, Thomas Hall. There were no set lectures, simply laboratory demonstrations and explanations. The first call …

Solid Crop Needs to Survive Rust Mites

Josh McGillPests

Citrus growers in North Florida and South Georgia are expected to start harvesting in early November. While the crop still looks promising, producers need to keep an eye on rust mites, says grower Kim Jones. “Rust mites can still be a real danger at this point. With fresh fruit, we’ve got to have a pretty piece of fruit. That rust …

CRDF Reviews Audit and Analyzes Budget

Josh McGillCRDF, Research

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board of directors gathered for its August meeting. Its first order of business was a review of an auditor’s report. “I’m pleased to report there were no findings. A clean audit is always good news,” said Rick Dantzler, chief operating officer of CRDF. The board dedicated time to the budget, analyzing funds available …

New Organic Transition Initiative

Josh McGillIndustry News Release, Organic

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced details of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) $300 million investment in a new Organic Transition Initiative. The initiative will help build new and better markets and streams of income for growers. The number of non-certified organic farms actively transitioning to organic production dropped by nearly 71% since 2008. USDA hopes to reverse this trend, …


All In For Citrus Podcast, August 2022

Josh McGillAll In For Citrus Podcast, Fruit Drop, HLB Management

The August episode of the All In For Citrus podcast takes listeners on a deep dive into the use of plant growth regulators like gibberellic acid (GA) to help fight fruit drop. The episode features an in-depth conversation between Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center, and …

Packinghouse Day Is Aug. 25

Josh McGillEvents, Florida, Fresh

Fresh citrus growers, packers and shippers will meet for Citrus Packinghouse Day on Aug. 25 at the Citrus Research and Education Center’s (CREC) Ben Hill Griffin Hall in Lake Alfred, Florida. They will hear the most current information about food safety, worker visa options and other topics related to fresh fruit handling and transport. The free event will include exhibitors …

Woman of the Year in Agriculture Named

Josh McGillAwards, Florida

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) named Madeline Mellinger the 2022 Woman of the Year in Agriculture. Mellinger founded Glades Crop Care, Inc. in 1972 and is still the company’s chief operating officer. Glades Crop Care provides integrated pest management and crop counseling services to more than 65,000 acres of plants and more than 60 varieties of fresh …

Groundcovers Influence Citrus Yield and Water Use

Josh McGillIrrigation, Production, Tip of the Week

By Sandra M. Guzmán In Florida citrus, black fabric mulch groundcovers have been used for the control of the invasive Diaprepes abbreviatus (root weevil). However, these groundcovers can also serve as a best management practice (BMP) to optimize tree water uptake and maintain nutrients around the root system. A three-year University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) …

Progress With HLB Products

Josh McGillCitrus Expo, CRDF, HLB Management

Rick Dantzler, chief operating officer of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), spoke during the general session of the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo. He provided an update on products he hopes will help the citrus industry reset and begin to increase production again. The products are two oxytetracycline (OTC) materials that can be injected into citrus trees. “We …

Using Technology to Support Citrus Management Decisions

Josh McGillTechnology

By Yiannis Ampatzidis and Sandra M. Guzmán Pests and diseases, nutrient deficiencies, tree stress from environmental conditions and other factors can be overwhelming. The arrival of sensors and small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) make it possible to gather large amounts of data to assess risk factors and estimate possible crop performance scenarios based on the availability of resources. At the …

Minimize Mite Pressure in Citrus

Josh McGillPests

Hot temperatures and dry conditions in some parts of the Southeast add up to ideal conditions for mite populations to increase in citrus groves. Lauren Diepenbrock, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences assistant professor and entomologist, said citrus can tolerate some spider mite pressure. Increased pressure, though, can leave an impact. “You can handle some amount of …

Snails Moving Into Young Trees and Covers

Josh McGillFlorida, Pests

Some species of snails in Florida groves, normally seen on irrigation emitters and tree trunks, have recently “taken up residency in young citrus trees,” University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension agents Chris Oswalt and Ajia Paolillo reported. Here’s a summary of what the agents wrote in a recent UF/IFAS Central Florida citrus Extension newsletter: Once …

USDA to Enforce Imported Grapefruit Standards

Josh McGillGrapefruit, Regulation

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it will enforce the juice content maturity requirements on imported grapefruit. USDA will also collect the necessary data to issue a new and lasting marketing order regarding the imported grapefruit. Last fall, the USDA suspended Section 8e grapefruit juice content standards for imported grapefruit without warning. As a result, low-quality grapefruit products from …