Florida OJ Videos Play in Airports

Josh McGillFlorida, Florida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice

The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) showed its “The Original Wellness Drink” videos about Florida orange juice (OJ) within major airports during the holiday season. These 15- and 30-second videos played throughout multiple markets via airports in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, New York, Orlando, Tampa/Sarasota and Washington, D.C. The ads ran from Thanksgiving week through New Year’s Eve, targeting at …


Alico Reports Higher Prices, Lower Yield

Josh McGillAgriculture, Orange Juice, Production

Alico, Inc.  has seen an increase in the price per pound solids for oranges from $2.25 to $2.58 so far this season. A significant reason for the price improvement is the continued strength of consumption of not-from-concentrate orange juice by retail consumers, the company stated. Average pound solids per box were down for the fiscal quarter that ended Dec. 31, 2021. The pounds …

Outlook for Global Citrus Production

Josh McGillGlobal Perspectives, Grapefruit, International, lemons, Limes, Mandarins, Orange Juice

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service recently released global 2021–22 production estimates for citrus categories and orange juice. Here are highlights from the report, titled Citrus: World Markets and Trade. ORANGESGlobal orange production for 2021–22 is estimated up 1.4 million tons from the previous year to 48.8 million tons. Favorable weather is leading to larger crops in Brazil, …

Workshop to Focus on Irrigation and Nutrition

Josh McGillEducation, Irrigation, Nutrition

Citrus growers depend on the latest information about best irrigation and nutrition strategies for growing productive trees. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers will share recent results regarding optimal crop management at a workshop and field visit opportunity on Feb. 8 at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred. Davie Kadyampakeni, assistant …


OJ Sales Still Strong

Josh McGillFlorida, Florida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice, sales

Orange juice (OJ) sales remain strong, with the 2021 holiday period closing near 2016 levels, Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) economist Marisa Zansler told the Florida Citrus Commission on Jan. 19. Total OJ volume movement for the holiday period ending Jan 1, 2022, was 37.9 million gallons, an increase of 2 million equivalent gallons compared to 2019. The gains are …

South African

Consumers Prefer Florida OJ

Josh McGillFlorida, Orange Juice

Consumers are more likely to buy orange juice (OJ) if they think the fruit comes from Florida, new University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) research shows. In fact, top reasons consumers purchase OJ include taste, health benefits and origin of the fruit.  According to the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), while 80% of OJ consumers who …

Lower Supply, Higher Demand and Processed Orange Prices

Josh McGillProcessing, Production

By Ariel Singerman According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), production of processed oranges in Florida will decline again this season (Figure 1). If such a forecast materializes, production will have declined by approximately 80% since HLB was first found in the state. The Florida Department of Citrus reports that, as a consequence of COVID-19, orange juice demand has …

OJ Production in Turkey to Rise

Ernie NeffInternational, Orange Juice

For 2021-22, orange juice (OJ) production in Turkey is forecast at 10,000 metric tons (MT) by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). That is higher than the 2020-21 OJ production total of 9,500 MT total, and is in correlation with high production and increasing domestic demands. DEVELOPING MARKETThe amount of oranges sent to processing plants increased to …

Targeting E-commerce to Drive Florida OJ Sales Higher

Josh McGillFlorida, Florida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice

As HLB has reduced Florida’s citrus crop, so too has the budget shrunk for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC). The agency charged with promoting the state’s signature crop is largely funded by fees based on citrus production. FDOC has been forced to look for creative ways to do more with less with its promotional budget. One tactic has been …

The State of the Citrus Industry in Japan

Ernie NeffInternational, Production

In a short summary about citrus in Japan, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reports that the country’s mandarin production continues to decline amid labor shortages and reduced consumption. Shipping challenges and rising prices are projected to reduce the consumption of largely imported oranges and grapefruit. MANDARINSTangerine/mandarin production for 2021-22 is forecast at 924,000 metric tons (MT), …

Morocco: Big Jump in Citrus Production Expected

Ernie NeffInternational

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) expects total citrus production in Morocco to reach an estimated 2.55 million metric tons (MMT) in 2021-22. That’s an increase of 12% over 2020-21. Tangerine/mandarin production should increase by 13% over the previous year to 1.36 MMT. Domestic consumption is expected to be 860,000 metric tons (MT), an increase of 16%. …

Florida Orange Brix Levels Not So Sweet Yet

Josh McGillOrange Juice, Processing

Florida citrus growers and orange juice processors are reporting low Brix levels as the 2021–2022 harvest season continues. The Jan. 10 edition of the Market News Bulletin from Florida Citrus Mutual noted average Brix of 9.83. According to Bob Behr, chief executive officer of Florida’s Natural Growers, juice oranges being harvested now are running below average. “Citrus greening continues to …

Orange Crop to Decline in Europe

Josh McGillInternational, Production

European Union (EU) orange production is forecast at 6.1 million metric tons (MMT) for 2021–22 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. That’s 6% lower than the previous season and 3.3% lower than the EU’s 10-year average of 6.3 MMT. PRODUCTIONSpain and Italy represent 80% of the EU’s total production of oranges. The remaining 20% is distributed among …

Australia Citrus Crop to Climb

Ernie NeffInternational

Citrus production in Australia is experiencing favorable conditions after above-average rainfall in all of the major growing areas in 2020 and 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently reported. As a result, production in the country is projected to increase in 2021-22. Orange production is forecast at 535,000 metric tons (MT) in 2021-22, a 2% increase …

Three Florida Citrus Pests of Concern

Ernie NeffPests

Lebbeck mealybug, the Bulimulus sporadicus snail and Brevipalpus mite are Florida citrus pests that were discussed at Citrus Expo in August. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lukasz Stelinski delivered information about the three pests for fellow UF/IFAS entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock. LEBBECK MEALYBUGLebbeck mealybug damages fruit, leaves and stems. The pest causes fruit drop and …

Rancid Oranges Aid Detection of Diseases

Ernie NeffResearch

A University of Sydney researcher is developing a cancer and serious disease-detecting biomedical probe that can be made from the juice of rancid oranges. Called a nanobiosensor — a tiny probe that uses fluorescence to signal cells’ pH in terms of their acidity or alkalinity — it detects whether cells are at risk, or in the early stages of cancer …

Recommended Citrus Reading

Tacy CalliesTip of the Week

By Ruth Borger The week between Christmas and New Year’s is a great time to think about reading, or rereading, a book about Florida citrus or trying out a tasty recipe featuring our favorite fruit. Here are some suggestions that might make it onto your bedside reading table for the new year. Oranges by John McPhee,1966, is considered a classic …

Updated Brazilian OJ Projection

Ernie NeffBrazil, Orange Juice

The total Brazilian frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) 65 Brix equivalent production for 2021-22 is projected at 1.123 million metric tons (MMT). That projection, which is an increase of 16% compared to orange juice production for 2020-21, was made by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS).   The São Paulo industry is expected to process 265 million …

The Case for Sugar Belle® in OJ

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

A pitch for potentially using the HLB-tolerant Sugar Belle® mandarin hybrid in orange juice (OJ) has been made by University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers. A brief presentation titled, “Potential of Using HLB-Tolerant Sugar Belle® in Orange Juice Processing and Effects on Consumer Preference,” is available for viewing. Slides in the presentation indicate that a …

Grapefruit Issues Tackled by Mutual

Ernie NeffGrapefruit

The Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) Triangle newsletter recently updated efforts to have the federal government rescind an action that suspended the juice content requirements on imported grapefruit. In early October, the domestic grapefruit industry was made aware of a “patch” that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) had issued in April of this year suspending the juice content requirements on …