Costa Rican

Mexican Orange Production and Trade

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, Mexico, Orange Juice

Mexican orange production in 2022–23 is forecast at 4.2 million metric tons (MMT), 9% lower than the previous year, due to prolonged drought in northeastern Mexico. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). Mexico is estimated to be the fifth-largest orange producer in the world behind Brazil, China, India and the United …

Costa Rica Orange Crop to Rise

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Orange production in Costa Rica is forecast to increase almost 2% in 2022–2023, to 305,000 metric tons (MT), according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS). Denser plantings on larger farms have driven up yields, and HLB management programs mitigate the worst impacts of the virus. HLB was first identified in Costa Rica in 2011. Harvest …


Egypt Orange Production on the Rise

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Orange production in Egypt is forecast at 3.6 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022–23, an increase of almost 20% compared to the prior season’s 3 MMT. The increase is attributed to optimal weather conditions and temperatures during flowering of the trees, which increased fruit set. The forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).  …

Australia Fresh Orange Production to Dip

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

Australia fresh orange production of 505,000 metric tons (MT) is forecast for marketing year 2022–23. That’s a 6% decrease from 535,000 MT in 2021–22, when production was the highest since 2004–05. The forecast was reported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).  PRODUCTION AREASThe major orange production areas in Australia are in the southern temperate climate …


Brazil to Benefit From Suspension of UK Juice Tariff

Josh McGillBrazil, Orange Juice, Trade

The United Kingdom (UK) government recently announced the suspension of the tariff on the import of concentrated and ready-to-drink juices between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2024. The decision should benefit juice shipments from Brazil to the United Kingdom. Although the tariff suspension applies to juices from all origins, Brazil dominates global orange juice (OJ) exports. The Brazilian Association …

Economic Perspectives on the 2021–22 Florida Processed Orange Season

Josh McGillEconomics

By Thomas H. Spreen The timing of Hurricane Ian is not unlike that of Hurricane Irma in September of 2017 in that it struck before the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) crop forecast was released in October, but after the data collection process was already completed for the forecast. Therefore, the USDA forecast will not take Hurricane Ian’s impacts into …

Process Produces Safe, Fresh-Tasting Satsuma Juice

Josh McGillMandarins, Orange Juice, Technology

Fresh-tasting satsuma orange juice with a commercially feasible shelf life is the goal of University of Georgia (UGA) Food Product Innovation and Commercialization Center (FoodPIC) scientists and food technology company Food Physics. FoodPIC and Food Physics are working together to perfect a technique known as pulsed electric field technology (PEF). PEF uses short bursts of high voltage —15,000 volts per …

Quality Aspects of Citrus Juices

Josh McGillOrange Juice

By Renée Goodrich and Charles Sims In this era of huanglongbing (HLB), almost every scientific and popular press article alludes to HLB’s impact on fruit and juice quality. The citrus industry uses the term “high-quality” to denote a fruit, product or byproduct that has an array of positive, expected and measurable attributes. Consumers also use terms referring to quality, but …

More Orange and OJ Production in South Africa

Josh McGillInternational, Production

The production of oranges in South Africa is estimated to grow by 6% to 1.6 million metric tons (MMT) in 2021–22, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) recently reported. The area planted with oranges is expected to continue its stable growth rate, expanding by 2% to 47,750 hectares in 2021–22. Limpopo province is the leading growing region …

Orange and OJ Production Rise in Turkey

Josh McGillFresh, International, Orange Juice

Orange and orange juice (OJ) production levels in Turkey are forecast to be higher in 2021–22 than in 2020–21, according to a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) update. Orange production is now expected to be 1.75 million metric tons (MMT), compared to 1.3 MMT the prior year. OJ production is projected at 10,000 metric tons (MT) …

Orange Crop

Expectations for Brazil’s 2022–23 Orange Crop

Josh McGillBrazil, Orange Juice, Production

Brazil’s 2022–23 orange harvest is expected to yield a crop of 414.4 million 40.8-kg boxes (MBx), an increase of 15% over the prior season’s production. That forecast was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) in its semi-annual report on Brazilian citrus. Most of Brazil’s 2022–23 orange harvest will come from the state of São Paulo …

Juice for Florida’s Future

Josh McGillOrange Juice, Research, Varieties

By Jude Grosser and Fred Gmitter New sweet oranges and sweet orange-like hybrids could offer improved juice quality for growers. It’s no secret that the recent season in Florida was a disaster, with record low production and terrible fruit quality due to HLB. Juice Brix and soluble solids were so low that harvest was delayed in many groves, resulting in …

Grapefruit Juice Improves Women’s Arteries

Josh McGillFlorida Department of Citrus, Grapefruit, Research

A study examining the effects of 100% grapefruit juice reported that consumption led to lower vascular stiffness in women when compared to a control drink. Increased arterial stiffness is primarily a consequence of aging and has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. Originally published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this randomized …

Orange Acreage Declining in Chile

Josh McGillInternational, Oranges

Land planted in oranges in Chile totaled 6,371 hectares in marketing year 2021–22, down from 7,389 hectares 10 years earlier, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently reported. The orange acreage decreased gradually as producers shifted to mandarins and lemons because of their higher profitability, FAS stated. Orange plantings are located mainly in the Metropolitana and O’Higgins …

OJ Is Half of Household Juice Purchases

Josh McGillCitrus, Florida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice

Orange juice (OJ) recently accounted for more than half of the fruit juice purchased by households, Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) economist Marisa Zansler told the Florida Citrus Commission on March 16. Citing a report on the Household Purchase Dynamics in the Beverage Category, Zansler added that grapefruit juice represented only about 1.5% of fruit juice sales. All fruit juice …

Lower Supply, Higher Demand and Processed Orange Prices

Josh McGillProcessing, Production

By Ariel Singerman According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), production of processed oranges in Florida will decline again this season (Figure 1). If such a forecast materializes, production will have declined by approximately 80% since HLB was first found in the state. The Florida Department of Citrus reports that, as a consequence of COVID-19, orange juice demand has …

Florida Orange Brix Levels Not So Sweet Yet

Josh McGillOrange Juice, Processing

Florida citrus growers and orange juice processors are reporting low Brix levels as the 2021–2022 harvest season continues. The Jan. 10 edition of the Market News Bulletin from Florida Citrus Mutual noted average Brix of 9.83. According to Bob Behr, chief executive officer of Florida’s Natural Growers, juice oranges being harvested now are running below average. “Citrus greening continues to …

Orange Crop to Decline in Europe

Josh McGillInternational, Production

European Union (EU) orange production is forecast at 6.1 million metric tons (MMT) for 2021–22 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. That’s 6% lower than the previous season and 3.3% lower than the EU’s 10-year average of 6.3 MMT. PRODUCTIONSpain and Italy represent 80% of the EU’s total production of oranges. The remaining 20% is distributed among …

Rancid Oranges Aid Detection of Diseases

Ernie NeffResearch

A University of Sydney researcher is developing a cancer and serious disease-detecting biomedical probe that can be made from the juice of rancid oranges. Called a nanobiosensor — a tiny probe that uses fluorescence to signal cells’ pH in terms of their acidity or alkalinity — it detects whether cells are at risk, or in the early stages of cancer …

Costa Rica Orange Production to Rebound

Ernie NeffInternational

Costa Rica’s orange production is expected to rebound to 300,000 metric tons in the 2021-2022 season, pushing total orange juice exports slightly higher to 33,000 metric tons. That estimate was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service in December. Orange production in Costa Rica was 290,000 metric tons in 2020-21 and 285,000 metric tons in 2019-20.     …